Live in Care Services

Introduction to live in care

Live-in care is when we offer a 24 hour care and support service at home. This allows you or your loved one to stay at home in a familiar and relaxed surroundings with a unique level of one to one support that includes personal care, housekeeping and companionship, provided by a team of experienced staff. We strongly believe that this is the only way that allows you to retain control and independence over your life.

Our Manager will work with you, your relatives and those who are familiar with your living routines, choices and needs and design a comprehensive package that meets all of your needs.

What is included in this service?

Personal Care

Your plan is central to you and is flexible enough to accommodate for your changing needs. You are in control of your care plan that is designed to meet your existing preferences such as getting up and going to bed time, meals time that include your healthy menu planning taking into account your dietary needs, daily activities routines, hobbies and medication.

Household Tasks

Our team of carers will help you with daily house choirs the way you prefer it to be done, such as light dusting, tidying up, laundry and ironing, gardening and we may also help you to walk your dog.


Your carers will be your companion with whom you may talk to about things that interest you so that you never have to feel a sense of loneliness. Your carer will take you out to places of interests of your choice and visiting family and friends at your preferred time.

Your Carers

We know how important it is for you to find the right person to support you and in order to get it right we will work with you to ensure that we pick a dynamic team who not only has the relevant qualifications, training and experience but also who you are likely to enjoy spending time with. Involving you in the process at the beginning will give you the opportunity to meet with them in order to ensure you are completely happy with your care service you are going to receive. It may be you may prefer carers who possesses certain qualities such as:

  • a carer with a certain level of experience and/or specialist training
  • a carer who can drive
  • a choice of male or female carers to support your personal care needs
  • somebody who shares a hobby or interest
  • a carer who is comfortable looking after your animals