Home Services Costs
We understand that along with taking care of your health and social care needs it is equally important for you to remain safe and healthy in the privacy of your own home and continue to enjoy your independence among family and friends. Small choirs such as laundry and ironing, light dusting, house maintenance or gardening and pet care are little worries that may built up in time and may possibly cause you unnecessary distress.
At Caremax we offer a competitive and affordable home service where you can rest assure of our highly trained and competent staff who have had a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), which include police check, and reference check prior to being recruited.
Whatever your needs is, whether it is just ironing or a package of daily living activities, we will work with you to help your home service needs.
Please contact our friendly team to discuss your requirements, so that we can give you a quote according to your requirements.